Understanding the cost of NDIS Plan Management can be confusing, however, it is important to know who pays for it and how Plan Management is funded. In this article, we will explore the funding options for NDIS plan management.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides support for people with disabilities in Australia. NDIS Plan Management is one of the services offered under the scheme to help participants manage their funding and coordinate their support services. However, the cost of NDIS plan management can be confusing, and it is important to know who pays for it and how it is funded.
What is NDIS Plan Management?
NDIS Plan Management is a service that helps participants manage their NDIS funding and coordinate their support services. The plan manager acts as the participant's financial intermediary, handling the payment of invoices, reconciling expenses, and ensuring that the participant's support services are delivered as per the NDIS plan.
Who Pays for NDIS Plan Management?
NDIS Plan Management can be self-managed or professionally managed. If a participant self-manages their NDIS funding, they are responsible for paying for Plan Management services. On the other hand, if a participant opts for professional Plan Management, the cost of the service is funded through their NDIS plan.
How is NDIS Plan Management Funded?
NDIS Plan Management is funded through the participant's NDIS plan budget. The amount allocated for Plan Management in a participant's NDIS plan depends on their individual needs and circumstances.
What are the Different Types of NDIS Plan Management?
There are three types of NDIS plan management:
Self-managed Plan Management
Professional Plan Management
NDIA Managed
In self-managed Plan Management, the participant manages their NDIS funding and pays for Plan Management services themselves.
In professional Plan Management, the cost of the service is funded through the participant's NDIS plan and is provided by a registered Plan Management provider.
With NDIS Managed also known as Agency managed: The NDIA (National Disability Insurance Agency) manages the funds and pays the service providers directly.
Is NDIS Plan Management Compulsory?
No, NDIS Plan Management is not compulsory. Participants can choose to self-manage their NDIS funding or opt for professional Plan Management services.
In conclusion, it is important to understand who pays for NDIS Plan Management and how it is funded. Participants can choose to self-manage their NDIS funding or opt for professional Plan Management services, which are funded through their NDIS plan. It is important to choose the type of Plan Management that best suits your individual needs and circumstances. Understanding the cost of NDIS Plan Management will help you make an informed decision and ensure that you receive the support you need.
Q: What is the cost of NDIS Plan Management?
A: The cost of NDIS Plan Management depends on the type of Plan Management chosen by the participant and their individual needs and circumstances.
Q: Can I choose a plan manager of my choice?
A: Yes, you can choose a Plan Manager of your choice as long as they are registered with the NDIS.
Q: How is NDIS Plan Management different from self-management?
A: NDIS Plan Management involves a professional plan manager that is accredited to handling the payment of invoices and reconciling expenses, while self-management involves the participant managing their NDIS funding themselves.
Q: Can I change from self-management to professional Plan Management or vice versa?
A: Yes, participants can change from self-management to professional Plan Management or vice versa at any time.
If you would like more information on how Simplified Plan Management can help you with your Plan Management, give us a call at 0491 090 747 or email us at info@simplifiedpm.com.au